
One Km. before the Kedarnath Temple.



near Police Chowki, Kedarnath  Uttrakhand 246645


Note :  AC = Air Conditioner, SUDLX = Super Deluxe, SMDLX = Semi-Deluxe, DLX = Deluxe, ECO = Economy, FAM = Family Suite, ORD = Ordinary, WH2 = Wooden Hut 2 Beded, WH4 = Wooden Hut 4 Beded, DH = Deluxe Hut, GH = Gujjar Hut, AH = Alwin Hut, FGH4 = 4 Beded, FGH10 = 10 Beded, DORM = Single Bed only



Dinner for Per Bed Per Person

Tariff 700 (incl. GST)

Available Bed(s) : 0

Contact No : 8265906380

No. of Person : 1

Bed(s) not available in selected dates. Try different dates




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