A Symposium on Yoga

In present times when popularity of yoga has increased by leaps and bounds, it has also created a lot of confusion for a layman as to What style is better or suitable? What is authentic and what is not? What are the Dos and Don'ts of Yoga? Is yoga just asanas and Therapies or there is anything more? There are many such questions that keep on haunting a sincere seeker, so, we would like to bring some clarity about it through this symposium. We would like to invite yogis/yoginis from around the world who are well versed with the core yogic texts such as Hath yog Pradipika, Gherand Samhita, Patanjali Yog Sutra, Goraksh Paddhati, Shrimad Bhagawat Geeta and are putting sincere efforts to bring the wisdom of these texts into their practice. They may send us a brief abstract on any of the topics listed below along with their profile. We shall soon announce the procedure and the date for abstract submission...

  • The Yogic way of life
  • Yoga for women, beyond asana
  • Traditional vs. contemporary Yoga
  • Yoga before and beyond the asanas
  • The goal and the foundations of Yoga
  • An integrated (body-mind-soul) approach to Yoga
  • Significance of the Shatkarma in Yogic advancements
  • Frontiers of Yoga as per the ancient texts & their attainability
  • Yoga for me vs. I’m for Yoga (How to get out of our comfort zone& recognise the goal of Yoga)
Bhakti Fest
Demonstration & Open Challenge
Talk to Teachers
Theme Based Classes